Friday 11 November 2011

Task 13 Personal reveiw 2

Last year I didn’t have a plan for my work, I managed to complete all my work on time but I felt with a schedule I could have produced more work or refined my final pieces more. So this year my aim is to have a schedule or plan so that I can a lot my time wisely and produce work of my highest standard. I am going to make a diary of my week so I can see where I am loosing hours where I could be making use of them, I will then make my schedule based on the diary.

I am planning to learn how to use Z brush properly as I have only just got it and need to wrap my head around the new programme. I would like to become proficient at Z brush because I have seen a lot of very nice models when other students have used the software and I think it will enhance my models.

Another ambition of mine is too work more in the set holidays we have. I know I lacked the insight of how it could have helped me and over the holidays I wasn’t working every day. Whereas now I’m setting myself an aim to do work over the holidays.

This week I have used my time well and managed to produce 5 acrylic paints that I’m really proud of I sat and painted for over 5 hours it was great to do as I am and have been a very fidgety person. I find it hard to focus on certain things (like writing my blogs) and I get distracted very easily so I am trying to find ways around these issues. One way is listening to music this sounds weird but I find I focus more with music noise in the background my dad is this way to but my mum is the opposite she has to work in complete silence. I will tend to listen to music of this nature . Another way is that I’m having help from the 1:1 support at dmu, hopefully they can help me concentrate and help me think of new strategies when I’m writing my blogs.

 Purposeful learning is learning from experience, whether that is the experience of a meeting, a project, a disaster, a success, or any other internal or external event.

Academic foundations helps the student get ready for the next phase of learning and also progresses’ what they have learnt from the first phase.

Autonomous learning helps the student develop their self-consciousness, vision, practicality and freedom of discussion.

The first year was all about learning the basics of 3ds max, Photoshop and traditional skills now as we progress into the second year we will put the skills into practice and find out new process and techniques to complete the briefs we get given. We will also have to learn to work within a group as we will have a group project towards the end of the year.

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